After the last market we attended the annual farmers market lunch at Mouzon House, the great restaurant located just south of High Rock park. Many of the farms provided produce and other products for the lunch which was attended by many of the farmers, their families and farm helpers, and dedicated customers. The event was very well attended and it was a fun festive way to end the season.
It is a bitter-sweet time of year. I am certainly looking forward to a break and some much needed time off, but also a bit sad to be saying good-bye to a great crew who have become good friends. Everyone goes their separate ways. Martin will shift his focus back to his artwork as he prepares for a gallery showing in Hudson, NY for February. Laura leaves tomorrow for Guatemala for some warmer weather and travel adventure. Luke returns to selling records at Last Vestige while he plots his strategy for becoming the next big thing in the music and art worlds. Maureen is also planning for travels to warmer climates - hoping to make arrangements for an extended stay in Florida. Tammara and I will be doing some traveling as well; North Carolina to visit friends during Thanksgiving, and Yucatan, Mexico around New Year's.
The farm is in good shape as we head into late fall. The earlier cover crops of oats, peas, and vetch came up beautifully, turning the fields a wonderful emerald green. This is a nice sight during the time of year when everything else has turned brown. The later cover crops of rye and vetch didn't seems to germinate - I guess it was just too cold to get them started. With some luck, maybe an Indian Summer will be just enough to get them going. If you can get them started they will at least be there to grow in the early spring.
There are still lots of clean up projects to do, but most of the critical things have been taken care of. The pace of life can now finally slow down a bit; time to recharge, renew, and relax. I hope to keep this blog going, at least in a limited capacity, through the winter. When we get a chance to look at all our records and notes we will do a season recap - what crops did well, which did poorly, and how did this season compare to past ones. There are also a number of good farm conferences and meetings that we will be attending, so we will report any interesting information we can gather. So, until next time .... cheers!
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