All of a sudden the farm is completely out of control. Some how this seems to happen around this time of year every season. You start off easily staying on schedule with all the seeding, planting, and even most of the weeding. Then as the season progresses and there are all these crops that need to be harvested and sold, and there is less and less time for the planting and seeding. Throw in a couple of weeks of rain and warmer temperatures which lead to an explosion of weeds virtually over night... and the farm is out of control. There is no way to ever catch up, no matter how many hours a day you work or how many workers you hire. There is only one thing
to do.... RUN AWAY!!!.

So that is what we did this weekend. We strapped the canoe to the truck and headed to the wilderness. We spent two beautiful days (some how missing all the forecasted showers) exploring Adirondack lakes and wetlands. We saw lots of wildlife: deer (with fawn), turtles, frogs, bald eagle, and loons (with chicks attached to backs). It's always hard to walk away from the farm, knowing how much work needs to be done and that now you are even further behind, but if you didn't ever leave, you would seriously go crazy.

Returning home on Monday night we were tired,
but refreshed and ready to face the farm with at
least a slightly better out look. Here's to summer... with all it's wacky weather, bugs, slugs, and new challenges everyday.
Glad to hear you're keeping it cool out there Chris. Things are going well enough here I guess. Frustration and big decisions up the wazoo, but hey, that's life I guess.